Japan is one of the most beautiful countries on the planet. It’s a mix of busy cities and natural wonders. Definitely “a must” destination to visit, which of course, it is full of beautiful places to take photos and make unforgettable memories.

For travelers who enjoy a more balanced climate, consider traveling in spring or autumn. The spring is a very special time for Japan as the cherry blossoms begin to open all around the nation, filling the streets and parks with a beautiful soft pink palette. For take photos, this is a unique opportunity to explore the beautiful colors and to come away with some memorable photographs.

1. Tokyo Tower (東京タワー)

Tokio tower-places to take photos in Japan

The Tokyo Tower it’s one of the best places to take photos in Japan. It is divided into three parts:

  1. Foot Town is a bustling neighborhood with cafés, restaurants, and souvenir stores at the base of the tower. One Piece Tower, a theme park based on manga and anime, is located nearby which is a recommended point to take some souvenir photos.
  2. The Main Observatory, which is 150 meters high, provides breathtaking views of the city.
  3. The Special Observatory, on the other hand, offers genuinely magnificent vistas. With sweeping views of the metropolis below and, weather permitting, Skytree and even Mt. Fuji on the horizon, this location is a heady 250 meters in the sky.

2. Nezu Shrine (東京十社)

Nezu Shrine-places to take photos in Japan

Nezu Shrine, located on the outskirts of Tokyo, is known for its hill of azaleas, which blooms from April to early May. It is another of the places to take photos preferred by tourists.

A trip down the stone path through its tunnel of tori gates, you will take beautiful photos no matter the month, it feels like a world away from the soaring skyscrapers of the capital.

3. Tanzan Shrine (談山神社)

Tanzan Shrine-places to take photos in Japan

Tanzan Shrine boasting more than 3,000 maples on its grounds, this Shinto temple is another great place to visit as the leaves change color.

Crimson leaves invite you to take photos, whether you are looking up at the trees or at your feet. It is simply spectacular.

4. Nakano-dori Ave (中野通り)

Nakano dori-places to take photos in Japan

Nakano-dori Ave is a great place to visit, you should know that the best time to visit this cherry tree-lined boulevard and take photos is in the spring, when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.

If you climb the steps to the top of one of the overpasses for pedestrians you will take incredible photos and enjoy a view worthy of a postcard.

5. Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (広島平和記念公園)

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park-places to take photos in Japan

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is a lush green oasis in the heart of the city. The recuperating city determined that rather than merely rebuilding the area, it should become a place of memory and reflection, encompassing more than 120,000 square meters and serving to memorialize the countless lives lost in the world’s first nuclear strike.

Original pictures, accurate models, artist impressions, recovered pieces, and comprehensive explanations will allow you to learn about Hiroshima’s history before and after the bomb.

You will be able to see the Cenotaph of the Atomic Bomb Victims, a concrete structure that was erected in 1952 and was inspired by an old Haniwa clay sculpture that is meant to provide sanctuary to the spirits of the departed.

Japan is full of colors and beauty, anywhere is full of history and it will be the perfect excuse for a wonderful photo, make sure you have enough space on your devices.

And if you’re thinking to buy a new camera for your trip, you can consider reading this and save some money.


Until next post.

Sayōnara (さようなら)


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